
TIFFPager is a new product from Lucid that brings a broad range of capabilities to prepress and printing companies.
TIFFPager is a fully automated, JDF enabled application that can process up to 16 full resolution 1 bit TIFF files, cutting, snipping, folding, combining, colourising, down sampling and producing multiple output files in PDF and/or JPEG format.
TIFFPager has many possible uses such as:
1.Post Rip Workflow for Imposition
Bypass the headaches of imposing "application files" and then trying to deal with rip - trap - correction cycles. Instead rip and trap individual pages and let TIFFPager create imposition ready PDF files. These files are easier to proof, easier to correct and easier to impose.
2.Creating Progressive Colour Overlay Proofs
TIFFPager can be configured to automatically monitor hot folders picking up 1 bit TIFF files and then to search the file name or internal TIFF Tags to determine the ink represented by this file. Then using an extensive, user editable, table of ink colours it creates PDF files of each 1 bit TIFF that is colourised for the ink. These files then drop into a hot folder for a printer with clear film loaded. These prints are then mounted on top to produce the progressive colour overlay proof.
3.Creating Composite Colour Proofs
Similar to #2, TIFFPager is configured to monitor a folder of 1 bit TIFF files and look for job naming characteristics. Collecting a set of files representing a complete job (based on a timeout value) it colourises the files and combines them into a composite colour PDF with downsampling as needed.
4.Creating Soft Proofs
Similar to #3, TIFFPager is configured to collect, colourise, combine, downsample, and generate a JPEG file that can be viewed in any web browser.
5.Tiling of Impositions for output to smaller devices
TIFFPager can be used to load multiple 1 bit TIFF files from larger signatures. Then multiple "Output Packages" can be specified for clipping sections of the signatures into smaller pieces, with or without overlaps. These pieces are then output as PDF at full resolution and are ready to expose the signature on smaller devices.
6.De-Imposing Signatures for Soft or Hard Proofing
As with #'s3-4, in addition to monitoring for 1 bit TIFF files, TIFFPager can also monitor for JDF files from popular Imposition packages and automatically associate JDF and TIFF files sets based on Job, Signature, and Side naming parameters. It then will crop and rotate each 'Page' out of the signature, colourised, down-sampled and saved as PDF and/or JPG.